
Press conference 7.7.2022, Innsbruck: D. Huppmann (IIASA), M. Keiler (UIBK), G. Wörther (Climate and Energy Fund), H. Rieder (BOKU), K. Riahi (IIASA)
AAR2 Co-Chairs:
Daniel Huppmann (Coordinator of the research area Scenario Services & Scientific Software at IIASA)
Margreth Keiler (Professor at the Institute of Geography at the UIBK, Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research at the ÖAW)
Keywan Riahi (Director of the Energy, Climate and Environment Program at IIASA)
Harald Rieder (Director of the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology at BOKU)
AAR2 Coordinators (Technical Support Unit – TSU):
Anika Donner (Institute of Geography; UIBK): Scientific and administrative support for the AAR2, Report Design & Layout
Maria Holzinger (Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group; Energy, Climate, and Environment Program; IIASA): Scientific and administrative support, coordination of stakeholder process (maternity leave)
Eva-Maria Hummel (Institute of Geography; UIBK): Administrative support for AAR2
Monika Mayer (Institute of Meteorology and Climatology; BOKU): Scientific and administrative support, coordination of review process
Verena Rauchenwald (Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group; Energy, Climate, and Environment Program; IIASA): Scientific and administrative support, coordination of stakeholder process
Karl Scheifinger (Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group; Energy, Climate, and Environment Program; IIASA): Scientific support
fromer TSU members: Jan Steinhauser (IIASA), Kay Helfricht (Province of Tyrol, water management)
AAR2 Authors:
A total of 139 people involved.

First Lead Autoren Meeting, Innsbruck, July 2022

Third Lead Autoren Meeting, BOKU, Februray 2024
Chapter 1: Physical and Ecological Manifestation of Climate Change in Austria
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Herbert Formayer, Juraj Parajka, Jana Petermann
Lead Authors (LA): Baumgarten Andreas, Dullinger Stefan, Glatzl Stefan, Gobiet Andreas, Kainz Martin, Laaha Gregor, Lexer Manfred J., Maraun Douglas, Nicolson Lindsey, Olefs Marc, Stumpp Christine, Zangerl Christian
Chapter Scientist: Benedikt Becsi
Chapter 2: Climate Change, Ecosystem Services and Health
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Karl-Heinz Erb, Ulrike Tappeiner, Wilfried Winiwarter
Lead Authors (LA): Gingrich Simone, Hanger-Kopp Susanne, Hutter Hans Peter und Hanns Moshammer, Kantelhart Jochen, Kindermann Georg, Schaller Lena, Schauberger Günther, Schirpke Uta, Schönhart Martin, Spiegel Adelheid, Vacik Harald
Chapter Scientist: Nicolas Roux
Chapter 3: Built Environments and Mobility
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Stefanie Peer, Wolfgang Streicher, Gernot Wagner
Lead Authors (LA): Amann Wolfgang, Creutzig Felix, Gronalt Manfred, Heinfellner Holger, Hofko Bernhard, Kienberger Stefan, Kleidorfer Manfred, Kranzl Lukas, Krellenberg Kerstin, Landgraf Matthias, Obrecht Potrc Tajda, Passer Alexander, Sielker Franziska
Chapter Scientist: Vincent Van-Karsbergen
Chapter 4: Provision of Goods and Services in a Climate-Resilient Economy via Materials, Labour and Energy
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Thomas Schinko, Barbara Smetschka, Karl Steininger
Lead Authors (LA): Aigner Ernest, Bachner Gabriel, Bohnenberger Katharina, Fritz Oliver, Haas Willi, Ott Holger, Schmidt Johannes, Schöniger Franziska, Wieser Harald, Zimm Caroline
Chapter Scientist: Anna Viktoria Rohrer
Chapter 5: Navigating Demand-side Transformations towards Net-zero
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Esther Blanco, Ilona Otto, Sabine Pahl
Lead Authors (LA): Boza-Kiss Benigna, Brudermann Thomas, Gangl Katharina, Gsottbauer Elisabeth, Kirchler Michael, Kuhn Michael, Reichl Johannes, Remus Ulrich
Chapter Scientist: Stefan Nabernegg
Chapter 6: Climate Governance: Political, Legal, Economic and Societal Aspects
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Alina Brad, Daniel Ennöckl, Claudia Kettner
Lead Authors (LA): Brand Ulrich, Hausknost Daniel, Hofer Miriam, Hoffmann Roman, Keller Lars, Kirchner Mathias, Kletzan-Slamanig Daniela, Knaus Karina, Kreinin Halliki, Leoni Thomas, Möller Andrea, Nash Sarah, Schindler Ilse, Schratzenstaller Margit, Theine Hendrik, Wagner Erika
Chapter Scientist: Danyal Maneka
Chapter 7: The Austrian Alps as a Multi-Dimensional Focal Area
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Sven Fuchs, Wolfgang Schöner, Robert Steiger
Lead Authors (LA): Fuchs Sven, Gems Bernhard, Jandl Robert, Mailer Markus, Otto Jan-Christoph, Pauli Harald, Pröbstl Ulrike, Rotach Mathias, Schneider-Muntau Barbara , Schulz Karsten, Seher Walter
Chapter Scientist: Maria Papathoma-Köhle
Chapter 8: Transformation Pathways
Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA): Andreas Novy, Gustav Resch, Nathalie Spittler
Lead Authors (LA): Aigner Ernest, Bärnthaler Richard, Esterl Tara, Gaube Veronika, Getzner Michael, Klaus Kubeczko, Miess Michael, Monasterolo Irene, Naqvi Asjad, Özer Ece, Pirgmaier Elke, Stagl Sigrid, Williges Keith
Chapter Scientist: Simon Grabow
Gender balance
Total team: 83 men (63%) – 49 women (37%)
Coordinating Lead Authors: 14 men (58%) – 10 women (42%)
Lead Authors: 58 men (64%) – 33 women (36%)
Affiliation of authors :
Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW), Columbia University, Energieinstitut Linz, Eurac Research, FH Wiener Neustadt, GeoSphere Austria, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Institut für Immobilien, Bauen und Wohnen (IBW), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, KMU Forschung Austria, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Medizinische Universität Wien, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Montanuniversität Leoben, Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit (AGES), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), Österreichische Energieagentur (AEA), Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO), Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Technische Universität Graz, Technische Universität Wien, Umweltbundesamt (UBA), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Universität Graz, Universität Innsbruck (UIBK), Universität Wien, University of Lausanne, Utrecht University’s School of Economics, Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
AAR2 contact: